find a partner
Climbing is more fun with friends! But when your friends aren’t climbers, you might have to get creative! Here are a few ways to find your next climbing partner.
partner page on facebook
Make a partner call on our Facebook Partner Board to find your next climbing buddy.
first fridays
The first Friday of each month is Bring a Friend Day. Members can bring a friend at any time that day, no guest pass needed!
give your friend a class
Members can give up to two intro to bouldering OR intro to ropes classes a day to your friends. They learn to climb, you gain a partner!
Take a class or a clinic
Did you know that many of our members met their climbing besties by going to one of our classes or clinics?
Check out our upcoming climbing, yoga and fitness classes on our website.
upcoming events
Our events and community nights are a fun way to connect and partner up with other climbers.
refer a friend
If you can’t find a partner, bring your own! Get a $25 credit when you rope a friend into becoming a member (and they save $49 when we waive their initiation fee).
and so many more!
There are so many ways to find a partner in the gym. Here are a few more ideas…