Movement The Hill is a 37,000 square-foot space that features world-class bouldering under natural light, a boutique-style yoga studio, a full line-up of introductory and advanced climbing classes, and multi-level cardio and weight areas perfect for a warmup jog or a full Olympic lifting routine. See for yourself→
Upcoming Classes
Bouldering Basics
One Day Programs
Dana F.
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Welcome Offerings
Introduction to Bouldering
Climbing Party (Class Full)
One Day Programs
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Welcome Offerings
Book a Tour!
Welcome Offerings
Introduction to Bouldering
Book a Tour!
Welcome Offerings
Climbing Party
One Day Programs
Explore Our Spaces
Meet our partners
We partner with organizations that help bring down social and physical barriers to climbing and who are committed to preserving and protecting the planet.
Our Directors
Meet the friendly faces at The Hill!
Gym Director, The Hill
Asst. Gym Director, The Hill
Say Hello
We’d love to hear from you if you have questions, comments, or ideas.