Nestled between Brooklyn’s iconic Cobble Hill and Park Slope neighborhoods, Movement Gowanus stands as the largest climbing gym in New York City. Our facility spans 36,000 square feet and features over 300 different top rope, lead climbing, and bouldering problems across three massive floors. Specifically designed to accommodate a wide range of fitness interests, our Gowanus location offers amenities such as yoga, acro, HIIT, Pilates, and more. Welcome to Movement Gowanus! Learn more about the integration of our two great communities here.
upcoming classes
Intro to Technique (Class Full)
Intro to Rope Climbing
Intro to Rope Climbing
Animal Flow
Kineta K.
Learn to Lead (Class Full)
Intro to Rope Climbing (Class Full)
Intro to Rope Climbing
Meetup- Adaptive Climbing Group
Meet Ups
Sunrise Yoga
Jessica R.
Anchor Building Fundamentals (Class Full)
Outdoor Development
Our Directors
Assistant Director
meet our partners
We partner with organizations that help bring down social and physical barriers to climbing and who are committed to preserving and protecting the planet.
say hello
We’d love to hear from you if you have questions, comments, or ideas.