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routes set for you

Our routes are set for all ability levels, proportions, and style preferences. Whether one is looking to have fun with friends, climbing for exercise, training for outdoor climbing, or preparing for competition—we’ve got routes that are just right for you.

get the app

KAYA connects the people behind each climb. Discover new sets, get personalized climb recommendations, and log all your climbs – indoors and out – all in KAYA. Download now to build the stoke together.



Meet the crew

Routesetters are a unique mix of an industrial athlete, craftsman, artisan, choreographer, and product designer. They are well-versed in a variety of climbing and movement styles. They constantly evolve the craft as the needs of our community change and welcome your feedback.

Cody Hanson

Head Routesetter

Pronouns: He/Him

Setter Tag: “CH”

What is something you want our community to know about routesetting?

Routesetting is almost always a collaborative effort. One setter will initially create the majority of the route, but it is a team effort to get it to a finished product. We look to our fellow setters to share their experiences, offer suggestions, and give a different perspective than what we can feel on our own. A setting team should ideally have a makeup of several different skillsets, climbing styles, body types, and experience levels to help create an inclusive and diverse experience.

What is your favorite climbing style?

Tension holds on a steep wall.

How do you prefer to spend your time outside of setting?

Hanging out with my family, playing pool, and playing Super Smash Bros Melee.


Honey Gajardo

Director of Routesetting

Setter Tag: flo

What is something you want our community to know about routesetting? 

Routesetting is so much more than just putting holds on the wall. It’s about bringing the community together and sharing our passion and experiences through routesetting. The climbs that we put up are to teach you movement, encourage you to step out of your comfort zone, and to help you improve your climbing skills. We love what we do and watching everyone have fun on our sets is very inspiring!

What is your favorite climbing style?

Over the years, I have learned to enjoy every type of climbing style. Big, burly movement is what I became accustomed to when I started climbing. Technical, flowy movement is what I enjoy when I do not want to throw down too hard in a session. I enjoy the styles that I am not great at such as slopey compression, and pinches. Competition style climbing and anything that involves an elevated level of coordination is not my thing, but I have tons of fun climbing them! I guess I am an “equal opportunity climber,” I don’t discriminate against climbing styles… ha!

How do you prefer to spend your time outside of setting?

I am a mom of two! When I am not setting or climbing, I spend a lot of time with my family. I also go to church on Sundays.  Spending time with my family and worshipping are what keeps me grounded. Other than that, I collect rare houseplants and vinyl records.

Damien Danciu

Pronouns: He/Him

Setter Tag: Tilt

What is something you want our community to know about routesetting?

Routesetting is a collaborative endeavor in which we create movement for the community.

What is your favorite climbing style?

Climbing is such a unique pursuit. As I have gotten older, I realized I don’t have a “favorite climbing style”, rather I’m inspired by movement that challenges me mentally and physically.

How do you prefer to spend your time outside of setting?

In my leisure time you can find me playing billiards and indulging in delectable food.

Rell KeyAuthor

Pronouns: They/Them

Setter Tag: Rell

What is something you want our community to know about routesetting?

Multiple layers of concepts and ideas go into putting up a skeleton for a climb. There are a lot of different nuances that go into creating a route or boulder problem that is accessible, creative, fun, and helps folks grow as climbers.

What is your favorite climbing style?

Bouldering is my preferred type of climbing but my favorite style is dynamic moves.

How do you prefer to spend your time outside of setting?

Usually, I enjoy working out or watching/re-watching all Star Trek and Star Wars content.


Pronouns: She/Her

Setter Tag: Spark

What is something you want our community to know about routesetting?

Routesetting is a very collaborative and creative process. There is a lot of thought and intention that goes into each route and boulder.

What is your favorite climbing style?

I love anything with small crimps on slightly overhung terrain or on slab.

How do you prefer to spend your time outside of setting?

I try to be in nature as much as possible and enjoy reading fantasy novels and knitting/crocheting!


  • Who is on my Setting Team?

    Each of our regions has a designated setting team. Above you can see pictures of our setters. If you see any of them around the gyms please say “hi” and introduce yourself.

  • How do I know what is being set next?

    We post our route setting schedule every two weeks. The goal with the setting schedule is to communicate where our team will be setting so you know which zones will be closed and where to look for your new climbs.

  • What days can I expect the setting team to be working?

    Typically, our team sets weekdays between 8am-4:30pm.

  • How long does it take to set a climb?

    Each setter will build between 3-6 boulders or 1-2 routes in 4 hours then group into smaller forerunning teams for about 2-3 hours and calibrate the climbs to ensure all challenges are grade-appropriate and adjust for quality & accessibility for a spectrum of climber types.


  • How does the setting team grade climbs?

    The day will begin with our Head Setter mapping out the intended grades for each of the climbs for the day. Once the first draft is complete which we call a ‘Skeleton’ we will have the primary setter forerun the climb and adjust any movements and swap out holds to get us closer to the intended grade. Our primary goal is to ensure the climbing movement meets our quality criteria then ensure we are hitting our mark with the grade. We will have at least one other setter forerun and make adjustments to the climb. The setting team will have a conversation about the grade and place our consensus in KAYA.

  • Why does this set of new climbs feel easier/harder compared to the last set?

    It could feel easier because the holds are clean with fresh texture. It could feel harder because you have not gained the muscle memory just yet. Each climb is unique and could be presenting a unique challenge that might fit your skillset or be out of your routine climbing movement. Either way, we appreciate your input and hope that you share on KAYA so our setting team can better understand what you desire so we can make every climb a uniquely positive experience.

  • Where do I report a spinning hold?

    If you find a hold that moves or seems loose, let the front desk know and they will get the info to the setting team to fix it.

  • How do I get into routesetting?

    We have a company opportunity page where we post all new employment opportunities. As a department we are looking for passionate climbers who are curious about exploring movement and designing appropriate challenges for our gym users. Keep an eye out for a community event called ‘Setting with the Setters’ where our setting team provides a guided experience of what our team does to create new climbs.

  • What is the minimum climbing ability for a routesetter?

    We have found that climbing at least V4 or 5.11+ is essential to meet the demands of forerunning each work day and basic understanding of movement. If you are not there yet and have interest please share your interest to your local head setter. They might be able to guide you to become a contender for our apprenticeship program.

  • Does our gym have an apprenticeship program?

    We have training for newly hired seasoned setters but our apprentice program is designed to take a new setter who has limited or no experience and mentor them through a 6 month program. We encourage motivated individuals to apply because we have a system to train you to become a great setter.